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Good Evening in Italian, and 10 Other Must-Know Phrases

Good evening in Italian - Rome coliseum

Learning language basics like “good evening in Italian” will enrich your time spent abroad and contribute to making meaningful memories with locals.

If Tuscan sunsets, creamy gelato and a taste of la dolce vita are in your future, it’s an excellent idea to learn how to say a few essential phrases in Italian. In fact, if you’re headed to Italy, all of the below phrases will prove incredibly useful.

Scroll to the bottom for my handy translation guide that you can screenshot for future reference!

Why should you learn to say good evening in Italian?

Learning phrases in a new language can be intimidating. There’s the anxiety of not wanting to sound stupid, not wanting to get the accent wrong, or just forgetting the pronunciation altogether. But in most countries, Italy especially, the locals will be so happy that you’re attempting to speak to them in their native language, they will find you endearing and likely help you along with the wording.

Speaking a new language can even help you make new friends and create meaningful travel memories that will last a lifetime!

Good night Italy - Italian Phrases - Venice

Try practicing these Italian phrases with friends or family. Challenge each other to say the phrases to at least three people during each day of your vacation. Before you know it, the pronunciation will feel natural and you’ll be itching to learn more. Learning to say good evening in Italian is really just the beginning!

Continue reading for my best Italian phrases to learn for your holiday away:

Good Evening in Italian

To say good evening in Italy, you should say, “Buona sera.” This greeting is most often used when entering a store or restaurant any time after about 5 p.m. This phrase should not be confused with “buona notte” which is how Italians say goodnight to each other before heading to bed and sleeping.

You can pronounce buona sera like bwo-nah seh-rah. Master this phrase and you’re well on your way to being mistaken for a local!

Two elderly, well-dressed Italians meet and chat in the street.

Good Morning in Italian

You’re starting your day in Italy and head down to breakfast, when suddenly, the hotel staff smile and greet you by saying good morning in Italian. At first, you’re taken aback and not sure what to do. “Do I speak English to them? Do I just nod and smile?” But fortunately, thanks to all your preparation, you know exactly what to do. You confidently smile and say back to them in near-perfect Italian, “Buongiorno!” And all is well with the world.

Buongiorno is good morning in Italian. This is one of the absolute most useful phrases you should learn and grow comfortable saying. Phonetically, it sounds like bwon-joor-noh.

Excuse me in Italian - beautiful shot of Venice, Italy

Excuse Me in Italian

If you’re in a tight space like a busy market or restaurant and you’re trying to politely pass by others, you’ll want to cheerfully say excuse me in Italian as you maneuver along. To do this, simply say, “Scusi!” and others will kindly allow you passage.

Other websites may mention using the word scusa instead, but scusi is the more formal, respectful phrasing that will be most appropriate in a wide variety of settings. You can also use scusi to get someone’s attention or ask a question. Pronounce scusi like skoo-see!

What is this in Italian - Pizzeria

Thank You in Italian

To say thank you in Italian and show appreciation to someone, simply say, “Grazie!” Phonetically, this sounds like graht-see-yeh. Sound it out, start practicing and your new Italian abilities and good manners will impress the locals.

Where is the Bathroom in Italian

If you’re learning to say good evening in Italian, you may as well memorize how to say, “Where is the bathroom?” in Italian, too! To accomplish this, use the phrase, “Dov’è il bagno?” Pronounce dov’è like doh-vay. Pronounce bagno like bahn-yo (the same as baño in Spanish if you’re familiar with that language).

To locate a bathroom, look for signs that say “WC” or water closet, as that is the terminology in Europe.

Thank you in Italian - Matera, Italy

Yes in Italian

It may be easy to overlook one of the most simple yet essential words to learn—yes in Italian. To say yes in Italian, simply say, “Sì!” This one is relatively easy to pick up and you may find yourself saying sì instead of yes even once you return home! Phonetically, it sounds exactly like the English “see.”

Italians also commonly say “certo” instead of , which means “certainly” but could also be translated as “sure” or “of course!” Pronounce certo like chair-toe.

A young Italian woman chats on the phone outside of a shop in Bologna, Italy.

Hello in Italian

Ciao means hello in Italian, as well as bye. However in my experience, Italians more commonly use the formal version of ciao, salve, as a first-time greeting. They also tend to use phrases like good morning (buongiorno) or good evening (buona sera) more often than ciao when you enter an establishment. In general, I’d save, “Ciao, grazie!” for when you’re leaving somewhere and just need a quick, “bye, thank you!”

By the way, ciao is pronounced like chow! As in, “Let’s chow down on some pasta!”

How Much is This in Italian

To ask how much is this in Italian, you say, “Quanto costa?” The vendor will then tell you how many euros the item costs. This phrase will be helpful at any markets, fruit stalls or shops you visit on your trip! Remember to check the exchange rate for your home currency before you leave.

Various pasta shapes on display in Italy.

Goodbye in Italian – Good evening in Italian

To say goodbye in Italian, I like to say, “Ciao, grazie!” which translates to, “Bye, thank you!” For more formal settings or when you’re bidding an Italian friend farewell before returning home (as in, it’s more of a final goodbye) you would say, “Arrivederci.” Pronounce this word phonetically like ahr-ree-ve-der-chee.

My Friend in Italian

“Mio amico” is “my friend” in Italian if referring to a man. “Mia amica” is how to refer to a female friend in the feminine form. Pronounce the first as mee-oh ah-mee-coh and pronounce the feminine “my friend” as mee-ah ah-mee-cah.

Good evening in Italian - Monterosso, Italy

Good Night Italy vs. Good Evening in Italian

If you’re wondering how to say good night in Italian, the best phrase to use is, “Buona notte!” Pronounce this as bwo-nah-no-tay. As mentioned earlier, this phrase is best for when you’re actually going to sleep. If you’re looking for a greeting to use while out in the evening, it’s best to say, “Buona sera.”

I’m Sorry in Italian

Another essential Italian phrase for any traveler to know is “I’m sorry.” This phrase will come in handy if you bump into someone, drop something or have any other kind of minor accident during your travels. To say “I’m sorry” in Italian, simply say, “Mi dispiace.” This is pronounced like mee-dees-pee-AH-chay.

A good morning in Bologna, Italy.

In conclusion, saying good evening in Italian is very simple and straightforward. Learning this phrase and the others I’ve mentioned can go a long way in helping you communicate and build lasting memories with the locals you encounter on your travels.

The more you lean into the accent, the better and easier it gets! Just have fun with it and you’ll be living la dolce vita (the sweet life) before you know it.

Screenshot this handy guide for quick reference on the go:

Good morning in Italian, essential Italian phrases

You also might consider grabbing a pocket translation book to bring with you on your travels. Buon viaggio!

Still planning your trip? Consult my article on the best airports to fly into and out of across Italy.

Heading to Florence? Don’t miss out on the famous wine windows!